We all struggle to concentrate sometimes, like when we have a significant life event or feel sick. However, some people struggle to focus and pay attention beyond the occasional annoyance. Although many of us have heard about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), symptoms present themselves differently in different people.
While ADHD diagnosis is common for school-age children, adults can still get diagnosed, and sometimes, the symptoms present differently in kids and grownups. White men often get diagnosed, while women and minorities are usually underdiagnosed.
At the same time, some familiar ADHD symptoms may not be present in some adults.
This article will give a quick overview of ADHD and the seven lesser common signs we mustn't ignore.

What Is ADHD: A Summary
ADHD is short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a condition affecting people's behaviors. When you think about ADHD, you might immediately think about the common symptoms, such as inattention and hyperactivity.
Difficulty in executive functioning is another classic symptom, where this function helps us plan, organize, and focus.
Experts commonly diagnose ADHD in school settings because younger children typically express the following external symptoms: interrupting, forgetfulness, misplacing things, short attention span, constant fidgeting, impulsive behaviors, restlessness, inability to follow instructions, and frequent switching from one task to another.
While ADHD may manifest in the symptoms mentioned above, it also has several other signs. Adults, women, and minorities are less likely to get an ADHD test because their symptoms usually present differently than in school children.
What Are the 7 Less Common Signs of ADHD?
When we understand the symptoms, it's easier to get a diagnosis and treatment that can help. This section will discuss the seven lesser-known signs of ADHD we must never ignore.
1. Struggling to Control Emotions
Sometimes we feel like we can't control our overwhelming stress, anxiety, anger, pain, joy, or sadness, but emotional outbursts are common in people with ADHD. It can be more challenging to control your emotions when you struggle with impulse control and executive functioning.
It can make people frustrated or negatively impact their relationships with others.
2. Hyperfocusing
While we usually think that ADHD causes people to lose focus, some people with the condition may experience hyperfocus instead.
Hyperfocus is a highly-focused attention on one thing that lasts for extended periods. Some people struggle with switching from one task to another, so they concentrate on one thing instead. Your razor-sharp focus makes you intensely concentrate on one thing, and you lose track of what's going on in your surroundings.
3. Having Time Management Issues
ADHD might be the culprit if you always arrive late or struggle to manage your time wisely.
Proper time management helps you accomplish tasks more efficiently. However, people with the condition usually struggle with time management. They typically have a warped sense of time, where a focus on current events overshadows the future.
4. Feeling Emotionally Sensitive
While criticisms and rejections are part of the learning process, people with ADHD can't handle them well. Feeling criticized or rejected can lead to hostility or social withdrawal.
ADHD can also make people ashamed because there is still a rampant stigma surrounding mental health. Adults with this condition usually hear people call them lazy or weird because their brains work differently than others. These hurtful comments can make them emotionally sensitive and fear criticism.
5. Impulsive Shopping
Impulsivity can manifest in adulthood in different ways, such as shopping. Do you make many impulsive purchases to calm yourself, or does it cause you emotional and financial stress?
This habit might be a sign of ADHD, so try to be gentle with yourself when you're beating yourself up about your lack of control.
6. Can't Tolerate Boredom Well
Boredom can make someone with ADHD feel anxious and tense because they tend to crave all kinds of stimuli.
7. Struggling to Sleep
Lastly, several people with ADHD struggle to sleep. Restlessness, struggle to fall or stay asleep, or insomnia could connect to the condition.
Fatigue from consistently getting poor sleep can also lead to difficulty focusing and forgetfulness, two classic ADHD symptoms.
Breaking The Stigma
ADHD manifests differently among school children, adults, and minorities. Educating ourselves about the disorder and the lesser common symptoms can help break the stigma and create a safer space for our neurodivergent loved ones.
Safe Haven Behavioral Health & Wellness offers ADHD testing online to help you understand the condition better. Visit our website to schedule an appointment.